Let’s give them something interesting and rewarding to do!
Does your dog seem agitated or bored? Do they bark at everything and chew the furniture? Does it feel like walks or visits to the dog park don’t really satisfy them? Good Work Dog is here to help. Humans bred dogs for thousands of years to do specialized work at various jobs, and dogs today -even mixed breeds- have a deep genetic need to perform those tasks. Herding dogs will bark and nip at your legs. Hunting dogs will chase birds and dig for critters. Most dogs were not bred to lay around in a house or apartment just waiting for a walk on leash.
As urban dog owners, if we want a comfortable and fun experience living with our dog, we absolutely must provide a satisfying life experience for them! Since most of us don’t spend our days hunting or shepherding, we have to come up with alternatives that fit life in a city. Most dog sports opportunities take place at farm properties a long drive away. At Good Work Dog, our mission is to give your dog that kind of enrichment here in town, and in your own home.
Good Work Dog is located in Portland Oregon, and we provide training at our place or yours, or anywhere via video call. We find that a lot of unwanted dog behaviors come from the dog not knowing what to do with itself, and the owners not knowing how to help. It’s not a question of teaching dogs to stop misbehaving, but instead about building a strong working relationship between dog and owner, giving them guidance in activities that they enjoy. In this way we give working dogs a job, and we give you the communication tools to help them succeed at that job, which typically results in better behavior and a happier home life.
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